HANI SAFI - Managing Founder
We spend our lives caring about our families, and trying to provide the best we can. Lifewithout challenges is boring, while living with constant challenges is heroic. Even superheroesare challenged through their loved ones! They become incapacitated when someone dear to them isthreatened.
Like any loving parents, we were concerned for the success of our children. We scoured throughevery school - private, public, and other alternatives. We needed to find the best place toprepare our children for the future, but the options were far from ideal. We were searching forhope, for a reassuring voice to tell us that there would be a way.
We were definitely determined and we thought we were strong. However, when it came to our ownchildren, we felt very vulnerable and lost. We were suffering. We did not know who to believe,where to go, and what to do. We felt helpless, and hopeless about the future. Moving past thiswas the real struggle.
Through this experience, Wonderful Minds has emerged to stand by those families who are seekingprofessional, scientific and evidence based support for their children in a caring and safeenvironment.
At Wonderful Minds, we provide the necessary resources and services to ensure children can besuccessful in their lives – no matter how success looks like for each one of them. Our purposeis to give children and parents the support we wish we had years ago.
Families experience challenges every day, and parents are called to be heroes for theirchildren. Similarly, when our children work hard and use resources to make progress - theybecome heroes just like their parents.
That’s why… Despite our challenges we are all so WONDERFUL.
« I would like to thank Wonderful Minds & specifically Caline for her amazing help. She thought how to achieve a different approach to deal with my kids which made our daily life much more joyful. I see things in different eyes & tackle daily challenges with a better perspective. After 3 months with the kids full time at home, I can say I wouldn’t have been able to survive without all the tips I got from you. Thank you very much! »
« My son had been struggling at school, particularly with learning how to read and write French, his first language. Since joining Wonderful Minds, he has gained in self-confidence, expanded his capabilities and developed his skills. His language therapist, Caline, has done a tremendous job in supporting him and designed a comprehensive support plan to ensure he gets the help he needs at home, in school and at the center. Thank you, WM! »
« L’accueil et le travail fait auprès des enfants est très bien encadré et agréable. Je recommande le centre wonderful minds sans hésiter. Je remercie Hiba et Raniya. »
« C’est le second centre que fréquente mon fils. De l’environnement à l’équipe, émanent une sérénité et une douceur apaisante. L’équipe est professionnelle et chaleureuse. Mon fils y fait des progrès et semble ravi de venir. Merci. »
« It's our second week at the center. I appreciate the flexibility of the appointments - considering my son’s school time and my work schedule. My son is enjoying the sessions so far. He gets excited to know that we are coming. »
كانت تجربة ممتازة مع المركز حيث وجدت التعامل الحسن من السكرتارية وتعاون بالمواعيد والأهم أنني وصلت الى النتيجة التي كنت أطلبها لابني بسرعة كبيرة و تعامل الأخصائية (سابين) مع إبني كان أكثر من رائع ووجدت منه تجاوبا سريعا و ممتازا في نفس الوقت. بالطبع سأنصح صديقاتي في المركز وبالأخص مع سابين لحسن تجربتي معها.
« It is a professional place, they take care of the children’s issues and also the opinion of the parents. They set up quick team working between the parents, the school and the children. I am very happy about the work they do with my children. The results are very good. »
خدمات المركز جيدة جدا, التعامل لطيف من قبل الأخصائيين – استقبال جيد
عناية جيدة في نظافة المركز
مساعدة دائمة من الموظفين و العاملين عند الحاجة و الاستجابة السريعة.
« I was referred to Wonderful Minds Center through a friend and meeting with the therapists was the best thing that could have happened to me through a very tough time for my family, the therapists were really professional and understanding, they helped us knowing and understanding our son's situation. Sabine was really supportive, and I couldn’t ask for a better therapist for my son. The admin was really helpful and flexible when it comes to appointments, they are so friendly and welcoming, and they are always ready to provide help and assistance at any time. »
كل الخدمات المتوفرة ممتازة تستحق التقدير.
ممتنة جدا للخدمات المقدمة لابني من اهتمام وإرشاد و تحفيز.
« Je recommande vivement Wonderful Minds. L'équipe est très professionnelle et aux petits soins. Grâce à l'implication des spécialistes (orthophoniste & psychomotricienne) Léandre a gagné en confiance en lui, a progressé dans tous les domaines ; désormais il se sent fier de lui, il a envie de progresser et ne se limite plus en cas de sentiment d'échec mais persévère. »