Caline FATTAL Manager
Speech and Language Therapist

About Me


Speech and Language Therapist

Caline holds a Bachelor Degree in Speech and Language Therapy from Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Lebanon. She also has an ongoing specialty in Family Therapy certified by both Le Lien Systémique - Lebanon and the Institut de Formation et d’Application des Thérapies de la Communication (IFATC) - France.


She is an active member of the Lebanese Speech and Language Therapists Association (ALO) and the Emirates Speech & Language Pathology Society under the Emirates Medical Association (EMA).


Caline runs a private practice and founded a multidisciplinary clinic in Lebanon.

She has been providing care and support to People of Determination for the past 20 years through assessment and therapy services in French, Arabic & English.


She is experienced in Articulation Disorders, Language Delays & Disorders, Learning Disabilities and Early Intervention.


She provides Professional Trainings for Teachers and Caregivers as well as Workshops and Parental Guidance based on the Systemic Approach.

Caline is certified in the It Takes Two to Talk® Program, HANEN - Canada, an approach that supports parents and educators in facilitation communication development in young children.

Caline is also the proud mother of two young boys with whom she shares her love for music and her passion for books.

Contact Info

Direct Phone Number

050 823 2484 / 02 446 3372

E-mail Address