Rachelle CHEDID
Rachelle CHEDID Speech and Language Therapist

About Me

Rachelle holds a Bachelor Degree and a Master’s Degree in Speech and Language Therapy from the Lebanese University, Beirut - Lebanon. She is a member of the Lebanese Association of Speech Therapists (ALO).

Rachelle has a wide clinical experience in screening, assessment and intervention with learning disabilities, autism, early intervention, language disorders, feeding and stuttering, as well as animating parents and educators’ workshops and trainee supervision.

She provides assessment and therapy services in Arabic, English and French, as well as parental guidance according to the Systemic Approach, certified by Le Lien Systémique – Lebanon and the Institut de Formation et d’Application des Thérapies de la Communication (IFATC) – France. 

Rachelle is specialized in assessment and intervention of mathematical and logical reasoning difficulties from the Groupe d’Etudes sur la Psychopathologie des Activités Logico-Mathématiques (GEPALM) – France and parental guidance according to the Systemic Approach.

Contact Info

Direct Phone Number

054 447 55 10 / 02 446 3372